The Ultimate Guide to Handling Text and Chat Data in eDiscovery 

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"...eDiscovery review software that is easy to log on, user-friendly, has a great layout, and is easy to navigate.”

“…CloudNine is great at searching documents, including tagging, and exporting. Software is tailored to our business needs and streamlines the task at hand.”

"(CloudNine Review) is a great value product."

“Offers the major features we were looking for, at a fraction of the price of other competitors.”

- Recent customer reviews from G2 and Capterra 

Download the guide.

Did you know that in the latest State of the Industry report from eDiscovery Today, nearly 90% of corporate respondents said that they must collect modern data for their legal cases?

Download our complimentary guide to learn how to benefit from eDiscovery technology to accelerate finding key evidence in texts and chat data. You will gain insights on:

  • Why the challenge of dealing with modern data is growing 
  • Which regulations are making having the ability to tackle modern data in eDiscovery mission critical
  • How to integrate information governance policies and processes with eDiscovery to best take on this challenge
  • What to look for in eDiscovery technology to best streamline the task of taking on data from Slack, Teams, texts, etc.


